
Facts You Should be Aware of before Applying Canada Visa



Facts You Should be Aware of before Applying Canada Visa

Planning a move to one of the most diverse nations on earth? Here is some useful information you should know before you start your Canada visa application.

Canada is arguably one of the most diverse countries and the second-largest country in the world. With a booming economy, robust workforce, a bustling business district of Toronto, wild climate, outdoor Vancouver characteristics and the ever-booming oil and gas fields of Alberta and Saskatchewan, there is no dearth of reasons why Canada is a popular destination.

Canada is set to welcome 1 million foreigners by 2020 who will contribute to the growth of the Canadian economy through their various skills and expertise. The selection metrics are based on several factors such as age, educational qualifications, employment prospects, work experience, and language proficiency (English/French).

Toronto and Vancouver among other Canadian cities are the major hotspots for employment opportunities, as thousands of immigrants have been employed through the construction and mining activities.

Note: No matter how lucrative an offer or promise of a job is, immigrants are advised to confirm and verify the authenticity of all job claims.

The following are facts about Canada every immigrant must know.


Canadian climate can be extremely cold especially if you are coming from a warm climate. Words can hardly describe how -25°C can feel, however, proper planning and preparation can help you prepare for the harsh Canadian weather.


Multiculturalism is primal to national attributes and policy, thus, making Canada one of the most diverse countries in the world.

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Canada throws an open and embracing arm to immigrants who choose Canada as home.

It is interesting to note that more than 40 sitting parliament members are immigrants. At any given province or territory, it is common to find a myriad of religions, cultures, and languages.

Canada offers liberty and moving to Canada will not denude you of your religious or cultural identity. Diversity is a norm actively encouraged by the government, so you do not need to discard your identity in order to assimilate.

Job Hunting

Getting a job in Canada can be an arduous process especially for newcomers. So immigrants are advised to be financially self-sufficient and plan accordingly for your first few months of arrival.

Tips for new-comers

Be able to fend for yourself for the first few months
Be willing to engage in odd or non-career jobs and always exhaust every possible means for opportunities
Begin to think and act like a Canadian even before stepping foot into Canada. This entails, networking and ensuring your Resume/CV is formatted the Canadian style.
Cost of Living

Areas like Toronto and Vancouver can be expensive, so avoid these areas to avoid harsh reality setting in. However, one of the most affordable provinces in Canada is Montreal with low property value and rent, and also low wages too.


Healthcare service in Canada publicly funded and is renowned for its quality and excellent delivery.

Individuals who register for healthcare are issued a health card by the provincial authority (Provincial ministry of health) and equal care and attention are given to all.

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Smoking in Canada is prohibited in public places such as stores, restaurants, hospitals, offices and other workplaces. Shared public areas and apartment buildings are part of prohibited places to smoke in Canada.

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